Note: If you submit your items for the first time to a particular target country, it may take up to 2 business days for your items to be reviewed and begin appearing in our search results. To minimize delays, please ensure that your data feed conforms to our feed specifications and program policies. Learn more about our product status definitions.
Upload Options
If you are new to Merchant Center a direct upload may be easiest option. We recommend files smaller than 20 MB to be directly uploaded via the Google Merchant Center Data feeds page. It is easier to submit your file this way, and you're less likely to encounter errors commonly associated with FTP.
Note: If you're submitting a compressed file, your file must be under 500 MB. If your file is larger than 500 MB please split your file into multiple, smaller files before uploading.
When uploading your data feed to Google Merchant Center, you have three upload options. Once you have uploaded a data feed, you may also create a schedule to update your feed automatically.
- Send us a data feed as often as your item information changes -- up to once per day, but remember to upload a new feed at least once a month.
- If you submit multiple data feeds, keep each item in the same data feed with each submission. Avoid moving your items to different feeds.
How many items can I submit to my account?
We strive to allow merchants to submit their full inventory of products. However, all accounts have a default limit of items than can be submitted.
If you’re submitting a large number of items, you will receive a notification in your account when you’re approaching or have reached your current limit.