Uploading a File Format Used for Google Shopping

If you have a tab delimited file in the format you use for Google Shopping, you can upload this file to your selling account if your products are in the supported categories listed below.
To upload a file in the format you use for Google Shopping:
  1. Save your file as a tab-delimited text file.
  2. In your seller account, on the Inventory tab, select Add Products via Upload.
  3. In the Upload inventory files section, select Google Shopping from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Browse to locate your file that is in the format you use for Google Shopping.
  5. Verify the file name and then click Upload Now.

Supported Categories

We support the following categories, as specified in the google_product_type field in the file you use for Google Shopping:
  • Animals & Pet Supplies
  • Apparel & Accessories > Jewelry > Watch Accessories
  • Apparel & Accessories > Jewelry > Watches
  • Arts & Entertainment > Hobbies & Creative Arts > Musical Instruments
  • Arts & Entertainment > Hobbies & Creative Arts > Musical Instrument Accessories
  • Cameras & Optics
  • Electronics
  • Hardware
  • Home & Garden
  • Software > Video Game Software
  • Toys & Games
You will only be able to upload products in these categories to sell on Amazon.com.

Amazon Listing Requirements

Amazon's listing requirements (e.g., data and image quality), apply to the products that you list using any format, including the format you use for Google Shopping. Review the listing guidelines for your category and ensure your products and data comply with these requirements.

Supported Data Fields

Only the following fields from the file you use for Google Shopping will upload directly to Amazon. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are generally required to list your product on Amazon.com. You can include other fields in the file that you upload to Amazon.com; however, only the values in the fields listed below will upload.
  • *brand – Used as both the brand name and manufacturer of your product.
  • *description – Descriptions can be up to 2,000 bytes (or characters) long and must not contain HTML markup.
  • *google_product_category – Used to help determine the category for your product.
  • *gtin – The industry standard identifier (such as a UPC, ISBN, EAN, or JAN) for your product.
  • *id – Your own SKU that uniquely identifies your products.
  • *image_link – The main image displayed for your product.
  • *price – The normal price that customers pay for your product.
  • *quantity – The number of sellable copies of your product that you have in stock. This is your current inventory commitment. If you use a value greater than 0, your products should be available to ship. If your products are out of stock or on back-order, either don't list the products, or specify a quantity of 0. If this field is not available in the file you upload, we will specify a quantity of 0 for your new products and leave the quantity unchanged for your existing products. To specify quantities, either include this field in your file, or update quantities on the Manage Inventory page in your seller account.
  • *title – The name of your product.
  • additional_image_link – A comma-separated list of fully qualified URLs for additional product images. You may specify up to nine images in this field.
  • color – The color of your product.
  • condition – The condition of your product, such as new, used, or refurbished.
  • mpn – The manufacturer's part number for your product.
  • sale_price – A special, discounted price that customers pay for your product. If you specify a value for sale_price, you must also specify a value for sale_price_effective_date to list your product or update your offer.
  • sale_price_effective_date – The date range that applies to the special sale_price. If you specify a value for sale_price_effective_date, you must also specify a value for sale_price to list your product or update your offer.
  • shipping_weight – The weight of your product when it's packaged for shipping.